Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Spanish-American War

        The Spanish-American War was a four month long war against Spain to free its colonies. This cartoon is about the Spanish-American War. I know because it shows Uncle Sam going to fight Spain (the bird.) The cartoonist's message is that the country wanted to go to war against Spain, but the president at the time, McKinley, didn't because he didn't want to see more bloodshed. This is proved by these two things, the quote "Let Go of Him M'Kinley," and McKinley trying to stop Uncle Sam from attacking Spain. Another cartoonist might have thought that us joining the war would prevent future conflicts with Spain. They might have thought it was a good idea to begin the war. The cartoonist used the technique of symbolism in this image. An example is the woman representing Cuba. Another technique is analogy. The giant bird is being compared to Spain in this cartoon. This cartoon does support my position because it shows that this war wasn't worth the loss of life. In conclusion, this war was about taking away the colonies of a crumbling empire and stealing their freedom.

"Today in Social Sciences..." : The Spanish American War in Some Cartoons. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb.
     2016. <

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