Sunday, February 21, 2016

Purchase of Alaska

        The Purchase of Alaska was an event where William Seward, the secretary of state, arranged for the United States to acquire Alaska. This cartoon is about the U.S. buying Alaska. I know this because the cartoon shows Seward taking Alaska. The cartoonist is against what America did. I know this because the cartoon depicts Russia getting 7 million dollars and the U.S. getting a block of ice. Other people might think this it was a good idea buying new territory for our nation. They might think acquiring Alaska could get us more resources. The cartoonist used labeling in their cartoon. This is shown on the iceberg which says, "Russian America." The cartoon also contains exaggeration. This is present as Alaska, which has been minimized to represent an iceberg. This cartoon doesn't support my view on American Imperialism because I believe buying territory is fine. In conclusion, the Purchase of Alaska was very controversial and viewed differently by the citizens of 1867.

"Alaska Government State Capital Juneau Governor Sean Parnell Alaska State Motto." Alaska    
     Government State Capital Juneau Governor Sean Parnell Alaska State Motto. N.p., n.d. Web.
     21 Feb. 2016. <>.                         

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