Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Roosevelt Corollary

        The Roosevelt Corollary is a law that gave the U.S. the authority to act as the "policeman" of the Western Hemisphere. This cartoon is about the Roosevelt Corollary. I know because it shows Roosevelt enforcing the Monroe Doctrine. The cartoonist's message is that the United States might use force to keep European countries out of Latin America. This is proved by the cannon in the face of the European leader. Another person's opinion could be that we were protecting other countries in our region. They might think that the U.S. was being fair by banning the European. One technique they used was labeling. This is shown by the Monroe Doctrine sign. Another technique they used was symbolism. The evidence is the boat, which symbolizes the United States. This cartoon supports my position on imperialism. It does because it's very selfish for the U.S. to ban countries from their hemisphere. In conclusion, The Roosevelt Corollary was a selfish law that strength a doctrine ban countries from countries not controlled by America.

"The Roosevelt Corollary - Boundless Open Textbook." Boundless. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016. 

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