Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Open Door Policy

        The Open Door Policy was a U.S. policy proposed in 1899 which stated that no single country should have a monopoly on trade with China. This cartoon is about the Open Door policy. I know because it shows China trying to keep Uncle Sam out. The cartoonist's message is that China doesn't want us to interfere in their business. This is supported by the weapons trying to keep the U.S. out. Another opinion might be that we are helping China. Some believed that the Chinese were happy will us trading with them. One technique the cartoonist used was labeling. They wrote China on top of a door to show that it was an entrance. Another technique was symbolism. Uncle Sam represents the U.S. trying to enter China. This cartoon supports my position on American Imperialism because it shows how the Chinese don't want us in their country. In conclusion, the United States of America can really affect how people and the countries they live in.

"Open Door Policy | Publish with Glogster!" Glogster. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2016.

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