The Panama Canal is a canal the U.S. made in Panama after they helped them escape Colombian rule. This cartoon is about the Panama Canal. This is proved by "Panama" fighting "Colombia." The cartoonist's on this issue is that the United States is using both countries to get what it wants. The evidence that backs this up is Roosevelt holding the string tied to Colombia. Another person's opinion could be that we were helping Panama gain its independence. They might also think Panama owed us for what we did. One technique in this cartoon is labeling. For example, "Panama" is on the hat of the man from that region. Another technique that was used is symbolism. Roosevelt holding the strings on both countries represents America using the two nations like puppets. This cartoon does support my opinion on imperialism by showing the U.S. will take advantage of other countries if they have to. In conclusion, America is not willing to back down on anything that helps them.
"Almanac of Theodore Roosevelt - Panama Canal - Political Cartoons." Almanac of Theodore
Roosevelt - Panama Canal - Political Cartoons. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.