Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Panama Canal

        The Panama Canal is a canal the U.S. made in Panama after they helped them escape Colombian rule. This cartoon is about the Panama Canal. The evidence is the Navy going to Panama to help them secede. The cartoonist's message is, if a nation doesn't do what the United States says, our nation will use force. The evidence for that is "The Big Stick," also known as the military. Another cartoonist's opinion might be that America was doing a good thing. They might say that we were helping Panama gain its freedom and nothing else. The cartoonist used exaggeration in this cartoon. An example is he made Theodore Roosevelt much bigger than he really was. Another technique used was labeling. For example, the cartoon has Panama written along its coastline. This cartoon supports my position on Imperialism because it shows the U.S. doesn't give up easily. In conclusion, America is not willing to back down on anything that helps them.

"U.S. Economic Imperialism in Latin America." Imperialsm-by-Brady -. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb.
     2016. <https://imperialsm-by->.                         

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